We were lucky enough to be nominated for the Liebster Award by Sierra Rose of
Pay With Polka Dots! I'm relatively new to blogging so I didn't know of this until recently, but I've learned that the Liebster helps to share blogs with less than 200 followers, and it's exciting to be a part of it. The basic guidelines are to nominate 11 blogs, ask 11 questions, respond to the 11 questions from your nominator, and then post 11 extra facts about yourself.

Here are the links to 11 blogs that you should check out:
Here are 11 facts about me:
1) I have terribly flat feet.
2) I love indie/alternative music. Some of my favorite artists include Lykke Li, Bon Iver, The Smashing Pumpkins, The White Stripes, and Gregory and the Hawk.
3) I'm interested in natural and alternative health therapies, like homeopathy.
4) I like to cut magazines up to make paper dolls and wallpaper for my dollhouse.
5) I have a dollhouse dedicated to
Star Wars action figures.
6) I'm sensitive to many a food product.
7) I enjoy reading about Buddhism and Native American spirituality and mythology.
8) I love all things related to
Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan, Beatrix Potter...and Medusa.
9) I have a folder of charity organizations I hope to donate to.
10) I love peppermint and all peppermint-related products.
11) I'm dreadful at competitive sports, but I like independent activities like running and dancing.
And here are my answers to the 11 questions from Sierra Rose:
- What's your favorite part about blogging? I very much enjoy writing and getting to share about everything from art and literature to organizations like Smile Train. I also hope to be able to share health tips that may make life easier.
- What's your favorite bad joke? There are several. Most are related to Star Wars fandom.
- What do you have a passion for? Helping other people, writing, drawing, and thinking.
- What is your dream career? I'd like to be a published writer, and I'd also like to help out with organizations like Smile Train and Chernobyl Children International.
- If you had a brick what would you do with it? Paint it.
- What is your biggest pet peeve? I don't like it when I accidentally delete when I've been writing.
- What is your favorite book? There are many! Some of my favorites, though, include The Bumblebee Flies Anyway, Watership Down, and all of the books in A Series of Unfortunate Events.
- If you could live anywhere, where would it be? My home. I love it.
- Take a moment to appreciate yourself. What is one of your best qualities? I genuinely care about how other people feel.
- Who is your hero? My grandmum.
- What is your favorite movie? It's difficult to decide! I love Star Wars, Harry Potter, Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and Moulin Rouge!
Lastly, here are 11 questions for those I nominated:
1) What was your favorite story as a child?
2) If you had to pick another name, what would it be?
3) Do you have any pets?
4) If you could live in a book or movie, which one would it be?
5) Pick a fictional best friend.
6) What do you like to do for fitness?
7) What did you want to be when you were little?
8) What's your favorite animal?
9) What's your favorite pastime?
10) If you had to pick one school subject to have for the rest of your life, what would it be?
11) What is your favorite cruelty-free beauty company?
This is fun! I'm excited to know about the Liebster Award and to be participating in it!
<3 Frances