
Monday, May 18, 2015

Dance It Out

I post about dancing a lot.  Why?  Because it can be an awesome way to free yourself up and make yourself feel good.  Iris isn't as big a fan of dancing as I am (and I'm definitely not anything to brag about, LOL), but together we're realizing that you don't necessarily have to feel super rhythmic to have fun and sweat your worries out.  This morning some pop song was on the radio, and, while getting ready for school, I bopped around to it for a few minutes.  It made me feel so happy!  And my mediocre outfit feels more-than-mediocre.
Let's stop worrying about whether or not we look cool.  Let's just dance!  I mean, what did "cool" ever get anyone that "happy" didn't?  Turn the music UP and the insecurities DOWN.

DJ Nonstop - Best KPOP Dance Remix 2014

Workout Music Mix 2013 The Remix VOL 1

<3 Frances

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