
Monday, November 12, 2018

California and the Environment

The fires in California . . . where do I even begin with that? I watched the news footage this morning in complete disbelief. The scenes and stories are like those out of a horror movie--something apocalyptic. I'm praying for everyone there. I can't begin to understand what it would be like to experience the sort of tragedy they're going through, and I wish there were something more that I could do to help them. Today please think of everyone there--the plants, the animals, the heroes, the victims, the survivors. 

The fires should be a call to action for us to do something about climate change, too. The United Nations said we have only about twelve years left before things get out of control, and there are so many signs that something is gravely wrong with the health of the planet. Ways to help? They seem basic, I know, but they're a start:

  • Recycle and reuse anything that you can (water bottles, etc.).
  • Reduce your use of plastics.
  • Reduce consumption of meat, and when you do eat meat, purchase it from local, free-range, antibiotic-free farms. By shifting the consumer market for meat products to sustainable sources, we can reduce the power of the industries that support factory farming.
  • Turn off lights you aren't using. The same goes for the tap.
  • Take shorter showers.
  • Walk or bike when you can, and try to carpool.
  • Don't preheat your oven if you don't need to. Sometimes, you can just turn the stove on as soon as your 
  • food is ready to pop in the oven. I do this with things like sweet potato fries :).
Again, nothing listed here is all that monumental, but if we all start trying to be a little bit more conscientious of the planet's health, then maybe our actions will add up and help counterbalance the immense gravity of everything that is hurting the planet.


Thank you for reading this and for caring, too. 
<3 <3 <3

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