
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sad Stories

I have a bit of a thing for sad stories.  And movies.  And songs.  I guess it's that I connect very easily and very deeply with people who are suffering, and so, despite all attempts at keeping myself sane and away from the melancholic, I always end up inevitably drawn to it.  Fortunately, so do Iris and Jill, so we can cry together.  Like we did this weekend, when we finally watched The Fault in Our Stars and became totally broken.

Feelings aside, though, and in honor of sad stories everywhere, here's the video for "Possibility," one of my favorite heartbreak songs by the one and only Lykke Li.   
<3 Frances

P.S. If you're looking for a reason to cry, try watching TFiOS, Graveyard of the Fireflies, Watership Down, or Moulin Rouge!  Seriously, though--this upcoming Friday should be one on which we break out the brownies and tissue boxes and then just let ourselves break down.  #emoti-fest2014


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